Retail Spotlight - Safir

Safir Mediterranean

47-31 Vernon Boulevard •

Happy Pride Month! We're highlighting LGBTQIA+ owned and operated businesses in the neighborhood to celebrate. Meet Safir Mediterranean, located at 47-31 Vernon Boulevard.

We spoke with Owners Mufit and Cliff:

Q: Can you both share a little bit about your background, your careers, and your  paths to becoming a business owner here in Long Island City?  

Mufit: I have been in finance for about 30 years. I’ve always loved the neighborhood. We didn’t really have any restaurant experience, but we wanted to try something different. My background had nothing to do with the restaurant business, but here we are, and we love it. Me and Cliff here have been together for 25 years now.  

Cliff: When he brought up the idea of a restaurant, I won’t lie, my stomach sank. It took a while, but we got the staff right, great authentic Turkish chefs, great waiters, great manager. That’s the key, making sure you have the right people. Its an effort, but we made it happen.  

Mufit: Its rewarding because you own it. I will tell you; nothing gives us greater pleasure than when the customers enjoy themselves. And Long Island City is a great place and we have met so many people in the ten years I’ve been here. Constantly meeting other people and making friends. Good feelings to be a part of something, you know? 

Q: What made you two choose Long Island City? 

Mufit: My job, 10 years ago. I had never been at that point, so crossing the river for the first time to Queens was exciting. 

Cliff: Yeah, at that point we had never come to Long Island City, living in Manhattan. We were so surprised by the community feel. It feels so small while still being in the middle of the largest cities in the world.  

Mufit: We fell in love and saw this space on Vernon a few years ago and eventually ended up leasing it, doing construction for six months and opening in 2021.  

Q: What do you want the community to know about your business? 

Cliff: I want them to know that there are thousands of restaurants in New York City, but the key to Safir is great food. Our chefs are right from Turkey and prepare authentic and amazing food. I want people to come here and feel at home. We want people to return, and they do. We have regulars that feel like family. It all feels like a big family: us, the staff, the customers. 

Mufit: We want the whole community to feel welcomed and valuable here. People come back for the food, but also to talk to us. We have really created some amazing friendships with this business.  

Q: You already answered this a bit, but what is your favorite part of Long Island City? 

Mufit: The people. The people are what make this place special. When you open a business it’s all about location, but the people are what really make it.  

Cliff: You would be remiss to ignore that beautiful view of Manhattan, I mean its spectacular! 

Q: So, we are celebrating pride. What does pride mean to you two and how do you celebrate here in Long Island City?  

Cliff: We as a nation have come a long way. When I was a young man, you were still in the closet. Gay marriage wasn't a thing. We got married as soon as it became legal. So, I think for me it's a celebration of everyone having equal rights and everyone being welcomed. And that's what we want. We are celebrating kinds of equality. It's a celebration of everybody. Everyone is welcome here at Safir.  

Mufit: Its definitely about equality. New York city is a melting pot. We don't judge people by the way they look by the way they act or what they believe. I mean, who cares. Long Island City is in the heart of everything, and it makes me feel like “Oh my God I have to celebrate it I'm a part of this big, beautiful city.” 

Visit Safir Mediterranean at 47-31 Vernon Boulevard!