The LIC Business Improvement District is managed by the LIC Partnership and supports businesses, property owners, visitors and residents in the primary commercial hub of LIC.

Map reflects official LIC BID boundaries as of January 2025
About the LIC BID
Established in 2005, the original LIC BID covered the commercial corridors along Queens Plaza and Jackson Avenue to Court Square. In response to the immense growth in the neighborhood and requests from the community, we have since expanded the BID’s service area (twice) to what is now the boundaries above.
The LIC BID is managed by the Long Island City Partnership and provides direct services, including sanitation, visitor support, beautification, community development, marketing initiatives, and business assistance to support the stakeholders of this mixed-use district.
For any questions regarding the LIC BID contact us at ( and if you are in the BID, please reach out!
To unlock all of the BID’s benefits, sign up for BID Membership.
Please reach out or find more info here if your business is in need of assistance. We can help you: Access Financing, Find Real Estate, Grow Your Business, Navigate Government and Incentives, and much more.
What is a Business Improvement District (BID)?
A BID is a public/private organization where property owners within a defined set of geographical boundaries finance supplemental services and improvements beyond those provided by the City. New York City has 76 existing BIDs assisting 24,000 storefronts. The general services of BIDs are sanitation, public safety, marketing, and beautification but each BID has different services based on the needs of the district determined by the board. The services are all supplemental. By law, City services cannot be reduced because of the existence of a BID.
How is a BID Funded?
A BID is funded primarily by commercial property owners within the boundary through an annual assessment. The assessment is determined using a formula created by the Steering Committee. Each BID’s assessment formula is unique and reflects the character of the district.
The assessment is collected through the Department of Finance through the property tax billing and then returned to the BID organization to be used for the agreed upon services and improvements.
The proposed assessment formula for the east expansion is based off of the square footage of the building. The proposed assessment formula for the west is based off of square footage and assessed value.
Depending on the terms of commercial leases, some property owners pass through all or part of the assessment to commercial tenants. Once the BID is formed, property owners cannot opt out if they are within the boundaries.
Who Manages the BID?
BIDs are managed by an elected, volunteer board of directors who are property owners, business owners, residential tenants, and public officials. Most BIDs are managed by an Executive Director and staff who oversee the day-to-day operations and report to the board. The LIC BID is managed by the Long Island City Partnership.
What services will the BID provide to the newly expanded area?
Most of the current BID services will continue in the newly expanded areas such as: trash removal, street furniture maintenance, monthly graffiti removals, snow removal and overall district maintenance; district beautification including horticultural services such as tree pit planting and hanging basket plantings as well as public realm improvements including public art installations and holiday lighting.
To the newly expanded area in the East will add new trash cans, graffiti removal, winter lighting, snow removal, and district marketing. We are also proposing to provide targeted supplemental street cleaning, servicing trash cans, weeding, capital improvements, and district marketing.
We will continue to have a district advocate to provide retail support, communicate with organizations and agencies about public safety, advocate for infrastructure improvements and bridges the public-private gap between stakeholders within the BID and public agencies.
By law, no current City services, such as police or sanitation, may be reduced as a result of BID services.
How much will I pay?
The budget is distributed amongst all the commercial and mixed-use property owners in the expansion zone based on an assessment formula. Depending on the lease between property owner and commercial tenant, the assessment may be passed through to the commercial tenant. Residential condo owners are assessed $1 annually. Residential tenants do not pay into the BID.
Read more about our recent BID Expansion process here.